Reviews Technology

A Quest For MUSIC On Delhi FM Radio Stations

The thing about gadgets it that sometimes just to test a feature, it drives you to discover stuff that you didn’t do earlier. Take me for example, who didn’t bother to check FM radio stations earlier until I got my new phone, the LG KG300. Now I was a bit bored listening to the music tracks I’d loaded on phone, so I just switched on the FM player. It met my expectations – a quick auto scan presented me the usual Bollywood crap. I might as well tell that I don’t listen to / like Hindi music, except for a few bands like Euphoria. I was about to give up when surprise surprise I run into a station playing Deep Purple!

So I took up, as a challenge, enduring loads of Bollywood crap (no arguments in the comments section on this please, I simply don’t want to listen to more crap suggestions), and finding out more about good music choices. Should also tell you beforehand – I simply HATE the RJs. Nothing personal against the kind, but I hate the useless banter, I prefer JUST the music. Internet radio was my fave haunting ground thus, but a few things happened: Yahoo! LAUNCHcast started blocking Firefox (but it’s a bloody good service – and can predict your music tastes real well, apart from having one of the world’s largest online music libraries);‘s Audioscrobbler needs too time to get things right; music companies started screwing Internet stations and they didn’t play popular music that much, for example, Pandora is no longer accessible for most non-US territories like India; ShoutCast has some good streams, but they’re difficult to find – ditto for Live365. Basically, Internet radio is still getting screwed by the companies. Coming back to Delhi FM radio stations, here’s what I found out.

  • Most stations are crap – they play only Bollywood. I don’t understand the fucking reason, because there’s enough of a market for English stuff.
  • Specifically, I was disappointed about Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM, because being a Times Group venture I expected it to be more sensible.
  • The other sensible FM station at one time was Hits 95 FM, but now they play more Hindi shit, and ‘English songs’ for them has suddenly turned into rap / hip-hop (boy do I hate that genre).
  • HT Media’s Fever 104 FM (Rating – 0.6 / 10): Happens to play English songs, but very infrequently, and that too it always happens to be a few selected songs of Akon, Linkin Park and Avril Lavigne. That’s it – that’s where English stuff ends for them.
  • AIR 102.6 Rainbow FM (Rating – 8.3 / 10): Surprisingly, the best station is a government offering. Sure, the audio is mono channel, unlike the others which generally have stereo, and also has poor reception at times, but as far as music goes it rocks. The time slot is 8-9 pm daily – and they focus on one genre everyday. So for example you’ve movie soundtracks on one day, classical music on one, rock music on another, rap on one another, old time stuff on some other – you get the drift I guess. And you won’t believe, but this station is the ONLY station which actually has any variety – their music playlists aren’t stagnant, and they aren’t scared to experiment with bands. Also, being AIR, nobody puts ads so less interruptions; but it also means you’ve to listen to irritating government jingles on some new free crop fertilizer scheme. Having said that, their RJs are pathetic. They keep on speaking (when they have to) without reducing the song volume – as a result you get gibberish which you can’t make out anything of. There’s one RJ I especially hate for his fake accent (which he can’t get right). One day I was listening to a Bob Dylan song, and (some other RJ) comes on after the song is over and says the song was by Bob Dhillon. And then there was this gem from the fake accent guy:

    And now we have a song by the Irish band Ronan Keating…

    There’s more, after the song was over:

    After Ronan’s wife died due to HIS breast cancer problem, he set up an organization to combat breast cancer.

    You’ll get stuff like these pretty frequently, so that makes it a comedy show too. The saving grace is the fact that you get MUSIC on AIR, even though they ask for recommendations using a Gmail account and get excited when an Orkut community they start gets TEN members.

  • Radio City 91.1 FM (Rating – 6.8 / 10): They’ve got this pathetically named called slot every weekday called City City Bang Bang from 9-11 pm, complete with sound effects ripped off from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Another fake accent keeps on announcing the cheesy show’s name all the time, and telling that it’s for ‘mature’ listeners. Nothing would even make a grandma blush. There’s a really irritating RJ (keeps on saying how good Amity University is all the time) to boot, who wants to chatter all the time. Thanfully, the music’s OK – they only play old time stuff, and that too they don’t experiment. I mean, fine, play the Beatles but at least change the bloody songs! They seem to have this collection of about 100 songs and they keep on playing that five times a week for three hours. You might stumble across good ones from Deep Purple, U2, Verve, Van Halen, Pink Floyd – but the song list is stagnant and within a few days you’d have memorised the whole list. It’s disappointing why they don’t add new songs. Then again, on Saturday at 9 pm they’ve the World Chart Show, not produced by them (and thus better) and bought from an overseas company. At last, you can listen to some good, sensible, and fresh music. What pisses me off is that every five minutes the RJ butts in to tell her name THROUGHOUT the show. Maybe she gets a kick out of it, but for someone who hates useless chatter on radio shows like me, it’s irritating.

If I’ve missed out anything, please do share it here – and maybe if you have a different take on FM / Internet radio. And in case you’re an FM station exec, I’d like to know why the hell there isn’t any RATM, LP, Marilyn Manson etc on air…

30 replies on “A Quest For MUSIC On Delhi FM Radio Stations”

@Udit: Yes, I did think of starting a forum…and have given more weight to it recently. The other thing which I’ve thought of is a simply discussion board. I don’t think IRC will be a big hit, because frankly not too many people use it these days. Maybe I could use phpFreeChat for live interactions…


Opps, AIR doesnt pay royalty, well we are their biggest customer since we have the maximum stations in the country.

We all pay it by the hour and coming to pirated music well in today’s world whether you play music or not, you buy it or copy it you still pay it by the hour, so no respite there.

Therefore most of the RJs try to source the music on their own if they cant locate it in the library; a major part of which is still not digitized.

So who do the people in the forum rate as the best station, Fever? or Hits, One was quite promising but then lost out…

hi, i’m from bangalore, moving to delhi. the few times i’ve been there, i’ve absolutely DESPISED their radio channels. i am desperately looking for an english radio channel in delhi. and a channel that plays an hour of english songs a day does NOT qualify. i want a FULL-TIME supply of english music. it really REALLY sucks that nothing goes beyond B-wood there. bangalore has a really good english radio channel, why can’t delhi?
this is the most info i’ve found on delhi radio channels, so thank u 🙂 btw, the ronan keating bit was hilarious!

If you can brave cheesy jingles such as “Thodi meethi, thodi catty”, you can listen to Meow FM – but that’s basically intended for women only (as in they market themselves as a ‘women’s radio station’). Otherwise, AIR is the only recourse that you have. Pretty surprising actually, but AIR is the only one which plays sensible English songs.

Does anyone knows that really nice song which plays on hit 95 fm delhi….i am confused of what language that song is on…but remindes me sumtin of arabic. Nyone knows???

i herd this song on hit it was a dance song playing on saturday night(14 november) it waz an awesome song it had lyrics something like can’t come down but i can’t find anythin related to that on the net everything i found waz old songs wid this name …… anyone aware of it plz rply(may be got the songz name wrong )
plz plz need help:)

plz sir kya aap mera message aapke radion station pe suna paoge, Sir Plz mera ye message aap suna paogeto mai aapka bahot bahot aabhari rahunga,
mera message hai mere sabse pyare dost meri jindagi ke liye Message hai “Anushaji plz Mayur Ko Call kijiye”

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