Personal Reflections Technology

Why I (suddenly) hate Blogger

I’ve been using Blogger for quite some time now, and indeed, I’ve always been very supportive of it. Right now though, all I want to do is smash the servers of this Google-bought service. That’s because it doesn’t give proper service. Yes folks, Blogger sucks. Yes, it may give more freedom in HTML editing, but doesn’t come with many good native templates (and the good ones are almost NEVER updated to the latest Blogger item calls). What prompts me into saying all this now is the fact that my blog’s feed is now showing (a few) items ONLY from the Yahoo-niverse category, that too from oldest date. Consequently, my new FeedBurner feed to is malfunctioning as it’s getting ‘polluted’ data. Now why the fuck can’t a big company like Google provide reliable service. I’ve got so irked today that I’ve backed up everything in GQ’s Blahg on WordPress, and I swear I’ll really make the switch one day if it goes to far. Or maybe, since the storage limits on WordPress are pretty low, I’m seriously thinking of buying meself some hosting.

13 replies on “Why I (suddenly) hate Blogger”

Pardon me, but if you get the fasterfox plugin and compare the load times of Yahoo and Gmail, gmail is faster.

You probably don’t count the time when those interesting Yahoo loading animations appear.

Look, I don’t use FasterFox. But even without that, AND including those funny Liam-character animations, YMB loads within 5-8 seconds at my place. Conversely, Gmail takes me a minimum of 15-20 seconds to load. So which one’s faster then? I mean, YMB loads almost immediately, and for Gmail, I have to stare at their ‘Taking too long to load, maybe you should try HTML view’ before the full Gmail interface loads.

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