
What I Hate Most About Orkut

  • Wanna know what’s right at the top of my list? People who change the stuff in their name fields to something OTHER than their names. That too multiple times a week. That too something stupid and with loads of gibberish symbols, like

    +++*++(()*&&In L@vE @&^%$*^)7with l\fe++-(*&&^(*

    or some such shit. Why the FUCK do these losers have to think its cool? Apart from that, I only use Orkut to connect to people I’m not that much in touch with, like finding old schoolmates etc. It’s self defeating, you know, if I want to search out and add some old school buddy to my friend list, if can’t search them out because of such stupid gibberish. Keep it sensible folks, stick to your name. If you really really want to be a loser, add those corny lines to your personal profile header.

  • ‘Scrap’ conversations. I mean, it’s fine if someone asks me a thing or two once in a while which it too trivial for an email but too long for an IM via Orkut, no objection to that. What I hate it scraps like


    where the person expects you to reply in real-time. Hello, you morons, it’s a scrap, not a bloody IM service. And guess what, so MANY people carry out full-fledged IM conversations via scrapbooks. Do yourself a favour, and download a good instant messaging client. It will only help prevent identity theft. Given a person diligent enough, the amount of personal information that can be extracted from profiles / scraps is more than enough to hack your ID / stalk you / make fake profiles / get you into trouble. Cyber-stalking can become a very BIG issue if you carry out conversations via scraps.

  • Personally, I feel scrapping and IM are bullshit when compared to email. Email rocks, because it doesn’t have the urgency of the other two and give ME, the reader, the opportunity to reply at my own place. I hate to have 20 people trying to talk to me whenever I open an IM window, so these days I don’t even use it.
  • Pics…yes. I understand some people putting in abstract pics like I do, that’s a brilliant thing to do. Putting up small pics, which don’t give detail, especially black-and-white ones are good. I do find people putting up pics of movie stars, cartoons etc very irritating.
  • In case you thought I use Orkut a lot, I don’t. I simply login when I’ve too many notifications filling my inbox.
  • Proper case, yes. Now there are some morons who think MiXinG aNd maTChiNg dIFFereNT caSes iS a rEAl coOl thINg to do. It’s not. Apart from the fact that you might get carpal tunnel syndrome because of constantly pressing down the Shift key, it’s more professional to take time out and compose proper sentences, keeping case in mind. It just goes to show that you care for other people to know about you, and just didn’t make it on one boring Thursday morning in a fit of boredom.
  • Stick to one social network…I only use Orkut, even though Facebook seems tempting now. I;d hate to go through all the inviting and friend list adding on some other site. Despite whatever some other site might claim, stay on a network where most of your contacts are.
  • More to come later…

16 replies on “What I Hate Most About Orkut”

Good point it will keep me away from Social networks for a long time. I tryed to sign up for facebook once but the sign up interface was shit.(I DON’T HAVE A FUCKING STUDENT ID JUST TAKE MY E-MAIL)Good advice. Once I had a problem simaler to joining to many Social networks with joining to many blogging services now I just use blogger.

Thanks a lot for posting this. I’m going to give you a trackback here. Was going to post something identical on xAbhishek.

Amen to that! Only problem is, most people who do such things aren’t usually the ones that read blogs.

Not that I’m a fan of facebook, but people there are thankfully (umm) move civilized.

Absolutely agreed.

Even more fucking irritating are the pathetic “dO yOu WaNt To FrAnDsHiP wItH mE?” requests. I mean, WTF?!?!

Also the number of brazilian and Indian fakes. They piss me off.

@ Lenin: Blogger IS a more laidback and formal form of social networking, I agree. But then, the general public does social netwroking via these sites, unfortunately.

@ Abhishek: I know…some people can be real irritating on Orkut.

@ Prateek: That’s why I considered switching to Facebook…but going through all that friend request shit again? I couldn’t bear the thought of it.

@ Ramit: Firstly, sorry dude for getting you into trouble at school…I’d NO idea your HoD would be reading my post on WarP. As for Orkut, yup, those friendship requests from people I don’t know irritate me. Most of the time, they’re just spammers looking for access to your personal details; and guess what, so MANY people actually accept their friend requests!

U are bang on!!! Thats why even i dont like Orkut – and log in rarely….!
Pretty good analysis 😉


u forgot to mention the teddy bears and puppies they make using ####&&& and all other characters!

If you were a girl you’d have a dozen more points in that list of yours.Guys(the worst of the kind) in there seem to think that girls would trip over themselves to interact with them if they send scraps like “Hy baBe wAsUp wanna frins” and put pics of a shirtless Salman Khan(Pukes all over the keyboard)in their profile images.Most of the scraps in my scrapbook where of similar kind.
And I can’t even get started over the perverted sick communities that people initiate in there.

@Achyuth: I guess you’re talking about ASCII art. Yes, they’re irritating, especially since they’re very long generally. As for pics, I meant not posting pics which others can morph easily.

@Uma: You sure have some irritating folks to deal with on Orkut…

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