
Free Board Mock Test Papers From FIITJEE

It’s that time of the year when everyone’s out to impress everybody. No, I don’t mean Valentine’s Day. It’s THAT time of the year when coaching institutes across the country are desperately trying to get their hands on the personal details of as many students as they can, so that post IIT JEE / AIEEE results they can thump their chests and say “Our students!”.

Meanwhile, students have a field day getting free resources. Take FIITJEE for example. Class X / XII students can get free Board mock test papers couriered to themselves – just give ’em your details. I know the site says registration date has closed, but that doesn’t seem so because the form is still online. Had applied way back, but remembered it because I got my set a few days back. Haven’t opened it yet, will use them for practise tests at a later date.

Also mulling on joining some test series. Online, preferably, because that gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want to do it. And I like the whole instant feedback, loads of graphs and analysis thingy. That’s why I like our Career Launcher mock tests – amazing amount of detailed breakdowns – really helps to know where you’re slipping.

I could get some stuff on the cheap, say from a friendly photocopy shop (“Long live Xerox! Ra, ra, ra!” being one of my favourite chants) in or around the ghastly neighbourhood of Kalu Sarai; but it really doesn’t give a sense of where you stand by giving rankings et al.

So well, I stumbled across these sites –, and Apparently, FIITJEE is supposed to have something of that sort too, because their site talks of ‘online tests and doubt clearing’. Now I’ve asked a LOT of my friends in FIITJEE what that means, and they say they’ve never seen or done an online test ever. Ditto for online doubt clearance. The only thing that happens is Pinnacle students like Jimi can asks doubts by scrapping their teachers on Orkut. Bah! Humbug.

Anyway, I digress. 100percentile, is a tie up with one of the biggest names there is – Vidyamandir Classes. The suckers, however, require you to use a desktop application to connect to their system, and attempt tests. That’s because the geniuses figured you might want to do it offline. Obviously, the application is Windows-only. Whoever heard of Macs and Linux in India, eh?

Brilliant Tutorials, on the other hand, has online test series offerings (browser-based) for IIT JEE, AIEEE, and BITSAT. Even this one seems to be a tie up with some other web firm, but it sounds tempting to join. Mmm. The only thing I’m waiting for is their reply on whether the rankings they provide will be combined ones with those giving their ‘offline’ BMAT test series, or stand alone for online ones. If it’s the former, they’ve got one new customer.

19 replies on “Free Board Mock Test Papers From FIITJEE”

Hey Ankur,
I had registered to get these Board Mocks and I got them yesterday only…I tried them yesterday and the Class X Mocks were really irritating and bad – They had not adhered to the present syllabus and I had many qns which I had no clue to….As they are not in the NCERT Textbook – The format was also not Board – like….But I still liked the Maths one..
Some more sites – For Class X mainly… – This is a good one.


@Prateek: Really? I guess they might not have that much of an expertise in making class 10th papers. I do know about the last two sites. There’s another one you can see – although it’s mostly user contributed, and better for stuff like CAT and all. It’s, maybe you’ve heard of it. Extramarks and CBSETutor both spam me too much, and I hate them.

100 percentile is really good as far as I’ve heard.They have 75% discount for us.So contact your nearest VMCian for a discount code.

Yes Ankur u r bang on!
But if they did not have expertise why enter – They wanted addresses of wannabe science/engineering students to spam them with posts….;-)
Extramarks and CBSE Tutor spam like anything…and no less TCYOnline – asking me to take admission in shady MBA Colleges I suppose thats a problem with them…But TCY Online is still good bcoz its UGC Interface is checked by their teachers and their revisions chapterwise tests etc are not bad.
Anyways, I dont use Extramarks or CBSE Tutor that much. There are also many other CBSE related websites which are of no use.
And yes – Is of good use sometimes… šŸ˜‰
For Class X Geography students, this is one wiki they must have a look at –
This is maintained by a teacher and was mentioned in HT some days ago.
And Ankur its best if u create a Mac/Ubuntu etc based websites…for students. Because u wont be finding many.
Best of Luck to all those giving Boards!

It is windows only.Nothing much can be done about that.But you don’t need to attempt the test on your own computer.You just need to upload the answer files.
I was talking about the tests.

@Naman: But what was the need for having a desktop application? They could have simply kept it browser based, what’s the harm in that, eh?

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