
Clouded Vision

[yahoo 7471278]

A video I took while on my way back from Bangalore after giving the NTU entrance exam. I know the resolution is a bit low, but, oh well. Which reminds me, I fucking hate Google. I ran around everywhere on the Web trying to find out whether Google Video / Youtube supported 3GP videos – I later found out, they don’t, you need to convert your video) – and all that because Google’s just gave a smug little ‘we support many formats, including ones like…’. Basically, they didn’t bother to give the actual list of formats they support, and expect people to either waste their time uploading videos by trial-and-error, or sit down and convert videos.

Why didn’t I try uploading to Yahoo! Video in the first place? Because it doesn’t accept videos without an audio track, which my original video did not. This is probably to ensure people don’t upload pr0n, but can affect genuine users at times. I finally said “Screw Google”, added a very low volume white noise audio track, and put it on Yahoo! Video.

Talking of far-away centres, I’ve heard of some people ending up with getting their AIEEE centre in Port Blair (Andaman & Nicobar Islands)!!! Whoa, that’s one CBSE mess even I can’t figure out…

0 replies on “Clouded Vision”

You mean the dotted links? Well…it IS based on feedback from readers, because earlier, my links were not underline and therefore especially difficult to figure out. I’ll revert to the old one if people don’t like it.

Another thing you could do is edit your style.css and change the colors for links to a shade of dark grey or any other color that would separate the links from the other text.

@Abhishek: Some people said so…

@Apoorv: I thought of that too, but the dark shades seemed too much like changing font weight to bold, and the lighter ones didn’t make much of a difference. I think the current hover effect should be fine though.

here i was thinking the comments would actually be about the video.
My favorite part of flying, only after staring at the planes at the airport of course. 🙂 Nice!

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