Reviews Technology


Guest blogged by Anuj on May 23, 2008.

anuj-nlp-bookYep, the title says it all, life isn’t making sense to me at all right now, I can’t do anything except for thinking I want this book. My whole life depends on it, the thing is that no one can figure out how to get it. I mean the Teksons guy and all the major book stores in Delhi are scratching their heads over it.

How complicated can it be? Anyway the thing is that we have carte blanche from our school to buy it and buy it we shall, however there’s a slight problem, we need a PayPal account where will I get one?

I need to get it, I need to get it, I need you to get it. That’s all.

UPDATE: I got It!! w00t and I got my cousin to pay for it w00t!

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