
My Bad

Guest blogged by Anuj on April 23, 2008.

I am taking this medicine called ‘Sinarest’, which is basically an anti-allergic. However it may clear up my nasal passage but it somehow manages to block my brain, it’s so potent that you can’t think straight after taking it all you have this giddy feeling which will be cured by going to sleep; kinda like taking LSD, but at a very, very low dosage and no hallucinations. Anyway, my mind kept on dozing off throughout the day and I had to pull myself back to holy tundra. The result of this is obvious in the following cases:

  • Prachi corrected me in a very stupid mistake in physics, I forgot to add the length of the car in a question instead of taking a single point of the body and observing it’s motion in time t (2s), I somehow took the whole thing and forgot or it didn’t occur to me to add the length of the car. Which is a totally screwy thing, it was pathetic. However I didn’t hear half the things she was saying as I was feeling so darn sleepy, I just stared at her and nodded along thinking that I had understood basically what she was talking about, we fought over it for what seemed to me to be a huge length of time, and for no reason, she was right. When I was sorta awake I realized that, but no I had to argue with her for no reason, without hearing half the things she was saying. My bad.
  • The class teacher declared that in P.E. i.e. robotics for me, we have to go to the frikkin’ P.E. ground, which is hell to me. I don’t know why I stood up and started to talk to her about it, maybe it was due to the fact that I felt that she was staring at me and giving me one of her pathetic ‘angry’ stares. Anyhoo I got up and I said after a while “Ma’am, it’s about reality, the fundamental reality over here is that I learn something over there, I do something useful, over there I don’t do anything in particular, which I can’t do at home. So, it’s important that I spend my time over there working instead of going out in the sun with no specific purpose, hence it’s crucial that I should be allowed to do so”. Wait, did I say this, is it just me or I am feeling like I was drunk at that time, I mean the start of the argument is okay but I am basically going around in circles, which isn’t the way I work, I like to see straight lines, I mean I was committing the same crime I accuse others of, complicating things. Come to think of it I was drunk. My bad.
  • What do you get when you take a semi-drunk Anuj and add P.J.s? An Idiot. I mean I fell over laughing over stupid P.J.s in the OAT today, what the hell was wrong with me? My bad.

The list continues, well I am certain that I won’t take it tomorrow so a repeat shouldn’t happen, stress on the should as you know, I am Anuj, I am unique and thus open to any possible exception. However, seriously today was my bad; I just discovered the phrase my bad today.

Anyhow, I had a heavenly time in the Naraina coaching today. I mean it was wonderful, I learnt everything I have wanted to learn since childhood, it was simply amazing, I’ll post the details on it later, after I get back from eating lunch. Sorry, my bad.

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