
Heard of Mac vs PC? Now see PC vs Mac

One thing PC users can do that Mac users can’t…

So, you thought PC users were gonna stay quiet while the Mac guys came and abused them, eh? Not everybody seems so quiet after all. Health warning for Abhishek Nandakumar – DON’T visit this page.

Oh, and if thought if you’d seen everything on the Mac vs PC ads, then maybe you should watch this PC vs Mac ad…

9 replies on “Heard of Mac vs PC? Now see PC vs Mac”

@Abhishek: Chill yaar. It’s meant to be a joke. I know Macs aren’t bad! Windows is worse, I know. That’s why we’re getting Mac(s) for the school.

@Rach: Ah, I miss the days when all your comments were grammatically correct, and didn’t have spelling errors.

it used 2 take me such a lot of time 2 type dem out that way. ‘s shorter this way.

Shit man, I’m the lone person left then in this big bad cruel world who uses proper English in comments. Sigh.

“hasn’t” I’m sure is acceptable as proper English.

So you’re not a lone person.

Oh yes. Sorry for leaving you out buddy. Yes, you too are one person at least who uses proper English. 🙂

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