
The IPL Ad

I’m not the one who likes cricket too much, but then, this new advertisement for the Indian Premier League has got such a unique visual style that you just can’t ignore it. Especially the 300-style splatter effects. Stupid song, but hey, India does seem to be going places in advertising.


‘Premiering’ For The…Second Time?

I just don’t know what it IS with movie channels. Especially and particularly HBO. Maybe they live in totally different world of grammar. Or, their copywriters never went to school. That’s why you can see these veritable gems on HBO…

Premièring for the first time…”

Pardon me, my young Padawans – but isn’t ‘premiering’ in itself supposed to mean ‘the first time’? Bubbling with excitement, it’s another one of those famous hyperboles. That was bound to happen, you see – as humans is descended from an ancient and distinguished race of…hairdressers and advertisement executives after all.

If it bothers you, missing that long-awaited movie on television, fear not, for you can catch it when it ‘premiers’ for the second time.

There’s another one of hyperboles on which me and Karthick went bonkers laughing (among other topics) at Access 2007.

New and improved Cadbury Bournvita”

I know this is an old PJ, but that was a time when we both were guffawing maniacally, to the rising alarm of chicks around us. Here’s the explaining bit: if it’s ‘new’, then there should have been nothing to ‘improve’ upon; if it’s ‘improved’, then there’s nothing ‘new’ about it.

I think I need to go back to HOTS questions. Getting delirious [bunny-like laughter]…